Saturday, August 30, 2008

U NACIONAL responde al ley No 2 de 14 de enero de 2003

...señala que en cinco años a partir de la fecha de promulgación de la Ley, las Instituciones de enseñanza superior deben certificar que los estudiantes que aspiran a egresar muestran suficiencia en el idioma inglés u otro idioma de uso internacional.
La Universidad de Panamá, a través del Centro de Lenguas de la Facultad de Humanidades formará recurso humano con competencias lingüísticas en el idioma inglés para satisfacer el desarrollo de las áreas de mayor demanda en el campo ocupacional, gracias a un programa metodológico que combina una modalidad Presencial con la Internet. Universidad de Panamá, "putting the e in English learning"

Se trata de implementar un programa para el desarrollo de las competencias lingüísticas en el idioma inglés de todos los estudiantes matriculados a partir del año 2007, que permita el logro de un nivel Intermedio Alto.

Temario para el examen

1. Letters of the alphabet; classroom language
2. Asking and answering questions about personal information
3. Introducing others; describing relationships
4. Asking about habits; telling what time you do something
5. Using prepositions with places, dates, and times; talking about events
6. Describing locations; asking questions about possessions
7. Forming questions to ask about count and noncount nouns
8. Describing what someone is doing by using the present continuous
9. Asking about likes and dislikes
10. Questions and statements with want to
11. Names of countries and their citizens
12. Welcoming someone; offering, accepting, and refusing
13. Talking about prices
14. Describing how something works
15. Ordering food and drink
16. Inviting and making excuses
17. Vocabulary about presents; suggesting gifts
18. Making suggestions; giving advice with can and should
19. Vocabulary about people and intensifiers such as pretty, really, not really, very, and not very
20. Students present short skits about what they did on an imaginary day (past tense).
21. Requests with can; talking about ability with can
22. Vocabulary about families; yes/no questions; questions with who, how old and how many
23. The present continuous as future
24. Talking about a hobby or routine with like + -ing or get to + base form
25. Expressing obligation with have to and giving advice with should
26. Giving directions
27. Questions with how often, how much, and how many; statements with too much, too many, enough
28. Vocabulary used to talk about being sick; giving advice
29. Vocabulary about work and job interviews
30. Past tense verbs; was/were able to
31. Adjectives describing personality; explaining decisions
32. Using for and since to talk about duration; asking and answering questions about Jobs
33. Question tags; talking about travel preferences
34. Talking about procedures (dos and don’ts)
35. Would it be okay to / if . . . ; asking permission

1 comment:

Lee said...

Since that is about all the spanish I remember how about an English version of your blog? I know, get out my spanish dictionary and practicar!
I'll be sure to check in later to see what you're up too! Great luck with the semester!